Madelynn Mae Green (USA, 1993) pulls deeply personal images out of obscurity and reinterprets them. She draws on photographic and video source material, looking at personal history through her own lens and the material language of painting. Memory and domesticity are prominent themes. Green has exhibited nationally and internationally in Brussels. She has been selected for Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2018, which will travel to South London Gallery this winter and was part of the 2018 Liverpool Biennial. Her painting "Summer '97" was recently collected by the UK Government Art Collection.
Group Exhibitions:
Central Saint Martins Degree Show. Lethaby Gallery. London, UK
How Are You Babe? Space 100. London, UK
Bloomberg New Contemporaries. South London Gallery. London, UK.
Figurative NOW, Daniel Benjamin Gallery, London
New Acquisitions. David Barnett Gallery. Milwaukee, USA.
UAL Showcase. Copeland Gallery. London, UK.
Bloomberg New Contemporaries. Liverpool Biennial. Liverpool, UK.
She Performs. London Gallery West. London, UK
Open Dialogue. Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design. London, UK
OVERPR!NT. Museum Centre de la Gravure et de l'image imprimée. La Louvière, Belgium
appetite. Apiary Studios. London, UK
Ward. Buckingham University Medical School. Buckingham, UK.
Public Collections
The UK Government Art Collection
Grants and Awards:
Denton's Art Prize (Shortlisted)
Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2018 – Selected Artist
Mona Hatoum Bursary, awarded by University of the Arts London
Nanovic Institute for European Studies Research Grants awarded three grants to complete fieldwork in Berlin, Barcelona and London to research economic development and street art prevalence
Best Senior Thesis in the Field of Comparative Politics, awarded by the Department of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame for “From Decay to Cool: Street Art and Urban Renewal in Kreuzberg, Berlin and the East End of London”
Undergraduate Library Research Award, 1st Prize in Senior Thesis category, awarded by the Hesburgh Library at Notre Dame
Kellogg Institute for International Studies Research Grant, Geotagged street art locations and economic indicators in Salvador, Brazil to study the impact of public art on social development
“Colonialism and the Marginalization of Modern African Art.” Hemispheres: The Tufts University journal of International Affairs (2015): 19-29
“A Beautiful Mess: The Evolution of Political Graffiti in the Contemporary City." Cornell International Affairs Review 8.1 (2014): 7-17
MA in Fine Art, Central Saint Martins, London, United Kingdom
BA in Political Science/African Studies, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, USA